The Best Parking System Benefits for City Administration
- Secured parking spaces for employees
- Improved parking management with real-time information
- Increased security due to central point of control
- Customized parking protection for dedicated spots
- Reduced CO2 emissions
5 City Administration Parking Problems and Solutions
- Lack of parking management
- General security issues
- Dedicated spots for employees
- Management of employees
- Update of existing parking protection
Lack of parking management

Managing parking lots can be difficult, especially with limited parking space. Parking management incorporates a number of initiatives in order to create efficient parking lots while also improving the service quality. Lack of parking management develops different parking issues daily, such as abuse of parking spots. People will park in private parking lots, such as theater parking lots, due to a lack of parking security, especially if they’re located near the city center. Also, without a well-managed parking system, resources get easily wasted. A parking system would help manage and run an efficient parking lot.
Parklio™ products and solutions allow city administrations to have better control over parking lots. Creating more efficient parking facilities becomes easy with real-time data.
General security issues

City Administration consists of the civic affairs of a town, including offices of the Mayor, City Councillors, Municipal Court, etc. Security is a complex issue of high importance for City Administrations. Parking lots need to be properly secured and monitored, with real-time information available. Real-time data on every vehicle entering a parking lot would help to address security concerns. Furthermore, a reliable central point of control enables parking products to be controlled remotely without leaving the workplace.
Parklio™ products and solutions allow city administration offices to have completely secured and monitored parking lots to prevent security concerns and unpleasant situations.
Dedicated spots for employees

City administration is frequently located in a central location with little parking. Dealing with city traffic and arriving at work to find that the parking lot is packed, largely by unauthorized vehicles. Reserved and secured parking spots provide significant value to everyone using parking lots daily, as well as parking monetization. A city institution, such as a museum, will be able to guarantee parking spaces for its employees. To relieve parking difficulties, a designated parking place for city administration personnel is required.
With Parklio™ Smart Parking Products such as Barrier or Gate, it is possible to secure parking spaces for employees. Share digital keys via Parklio™ Connect App to them so they are able to access the parking without a problem.
Management of employees

City administration offices, such as courts, employ a significant number of workers and sometimes it is difficult to keep track of their arrival time and leave time. In case you are worried that some of them may take advantage of their working hours, it is possible to monitor it via parking information. With smart parking protection and solutions, it is possible to track the arrival and leave times of everyone entering your parking lot.
Every parking lot equipped with an ANPR system and license plate recognition technology provides extra value to its users, such as keeping track of occupancy time. Along with Parklio™ Detect and PMS, you will have real-time insight into parking occupancy and exact data.
Update of existing parking protection

Technology innovations also aid the advancement of parking technologies. Conventional car parks and traditional parking protection lack in providing information to support better parking management. It's time to update your parking products and take advantage of the benefits smart parking protection provides. Furthermore, existing parking protection may have a high maintenance cost or require additional costs with each upgrade. It can be challenging to coordinate the work of multiple parking protection providers. Interoperability is a crucial element that aids in the efficient use of parking.
By integrating the module into existing parking protection, you will be able to use the smart features of Parklio™ solutions, such as controlling products via Parklio™ Connect App, sharing keys, integrating with any other information system, and many others.
Customized City Administration Parking Solutions with Added Value
Parking protection customization

Smart parking protection such as Parklio™ Smart Parking Barrier can be customized according to customers’ wishes. It is possible to use that feature for better branding and standing out. Also, quite often persons with VIP status working in institutions are required to have designated places. The same goes for VIP clients. With properly marked and protected parking areas, it is easy to meet their needs.
Smart City contribution
More cities throughout the world seek to achieve Smart City standards in order to provide a better and more livable future to their residents. Smart parking protection and solutions play a significant role in this. It helps city employees to spend less time in vehicles searching for parking while also creating environmentally-friendly parking options. You can find other parking system benefits for Smart City here.
Frequently Asked Questions About City Administration Parking Issues
City administration parking protection is determined by a number of factors, such as location and parking capacity. If offices are centrally located with only a few parking places, smart parking barriers would be the best answer. When it comes to larger parking lots or garages, installing an automated gate barrier would be the right solution. Also, consider incorporating smart parking solutions, such as Parking Management System, to manage parking facilities and control parking protection remotely.
One of the frequent parking models institutions use is the hybrid model of parking, where management staff members get dedicated spots and others use parking lots on a first-come, first-served basis. There are also models that take the complexity of parking demand into account. When assigning parking places, they consider multiple factors such as the length of journeys, distance from the city center and physical capabilities. Finding the right model would optimize parking lots and garages to the maximum extent possible.
When there aren't enough parking spaces for everyone, sharing a parking space with coworkers may be an excellent option. Employees who commute on a daily basis should be encouraged to take public transportation or carpool with coworkers.