Why Is Parking Access Control Vital For Companies

Parking access control is vital for companies

Companies have a growing need for improved parking space management.  The need is even more pressing given the shortage of available parking spaces. Parking access control systems provide a wide range of smart functions for monitoring, managing, and tracking parking behavior. They make it much easier for the company to regulate available space and offer the best possible conditions for customers, workers, and visitors. In this blog, we will address all the key benefits of parking control access systems, as well as which parking protection products and solutions to use for restricting parking access and why it is vital for your company to implement one.

Key benefits of Parking Access Control

A parking access control system offers all-around benefits for companies that use it. Having a well-managed parking lot can attract new employees, partners, and customers as well as increase loyalty among current ones. The key benefits parking access control provides are:

  • Elimination of Unauthorized Parking Space Use

Do you often have unauthorized vehicles parked on your business's lot? Are you tired of others taking up your space? A good parking access control system ensures that a company's parking lot cannot be accessed without a permit. Access to parking can be controlled using a time and schedule-based control access system (timed permit system), a license plate or ID recognition system, or access cards and keyfobs.

  • Security and Safety Enhancement 

You can significantly improve your company's parking lot safety and security by keeping track of who and when parks on your property. This will enable the prevention of theft, vandalism, and unauthorized use of your business's property. By controlling who has access to your company's parking lot, you can avoid any liability issues that may arise from accidents that occur on your company parking lot. It also reduces the workload for security staff, who can then focus on other aspects of risk management.

  • Prevention of Tailgating 

If you own a corporation, institution or business with an on-site parking lot for your employees you might be at risk of a tailgating problem. Tailgating is, in fact,  one of the most common parking security breaches. It’s a term used to describe a situation when more than one vehicle enters/exits the parking lot with the same credentials. If you don't have an access control system in place to recognize every car that enters and exits your lot it can be a big problem for corporate parking management and security. 

  • Zone Designation

Designated zones are basically areas within a large parking lot that can be used only if you have approved access. Zone designation is using a parking access control system to allow only pre-approved persons to park in a particular designated zone. This is an excellent option to employ if you want your company's board members,  most valued business partners, or customers to enjoy VIP parking. You may also wish to employ zone designation to safeguard spaces for disabled persons. Assigned zones are usually secured in the form of some kind of entry barrier that permits only authorized persons to park within their designated lot by using a predefined identifying method to gain access.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

The general idea behind restricting access to your company’s parking lot is to reduce the number of unauthorized vehicles while maintaining the highest level of security possible. However, corporate parking management systems are not only effective - they are cost-effective! A parking access management system provides you a better understanding of parking utilization, and insight into availability within the parking lot and reduces the amount of time that employees spend looking for a spot, thus boosting productivity and lowering employee stress

  • Centralized Management

A parking access control system enables you to centrally manage your company's parking lot. The system can be used in any type of parking lot, whether it's for employees or customers. First and foremost, you can easily assign spaces to employees, and determine when they are allowed to enter and exit. Second, centralized management allows you to grant different levels of access to various groups of people—for example, if one group needs regular access but another only needs occasional access. You can also set up zones where certain users have more privileges than others, like being able to park in certain areas or at certain times of the day. Third, centralized management makes it simple to monitor your company's parking revenue if you choose to monetize a specific parking space. You also save money since it requires less staff.

Parking access control management is the best
Source:Image by aleksandarlittlewolf on Freepik

Access Control Products & Solutions 

There are many access control products and solutions available on the market today, but you need to ensure that you choose a system that is not only simple to set up and maintain, but also secure and highly effective. So let's take a look at the various types and how you can configure your parking lot access management.

Video Intercom

Controlling access to a corporate parking lot with a video intercom system is a wise security measure. It's also referred to as an entry communication system since it enables workers, business partners, and customers to request admission while also allowing security personnel to visually authenticate who they let into the guarded parking.

This is a more safe and comfortable experience than the traditional intercom since the video function enables security workers to see who is seeking entry rather than simply hearing their voice or asking questions over an intercom system.  It simplifies the screening of visitors and deliveries. Video intercom systems are classified into two types: wired and wireless. Wireless systems employ radio frequencies or VoIP technology to relay speech and video signals, whilst wired systems use cables to link the parking barrier to the inside monitors. Some video intercom systems feature the ability to supply visitors with 'virtual keys,' such as programmable PINs or QR codes that enable visitors one-time access, as well as other kinds of verification, such as key cards or key fobs, to provide an alternate form of approval.

The pros and cons of a video intercom parking control system:

+ efficient access control - not completely automated
+ security and peace of mind - significant staffing costs
+ creating a positive first impression  - limited features and integration options
+ capturing visitors' data -  limited lifespan of the investment
+ managing deliveries - lack of monetization option 

Video intercom systems are extensively utilized in a variety of settings, including office buildings, retail businesses, hotels, industrial sites, and hospitals.

Video Intercom parking access control
Source: Image by stefamerpik on Freepik

Parking Barriers

When choosing an access control solution for your parking lot, the most important consideration is the level of security required for your property. Parking barriers are one of the most effective ways to keep unauthorized people out of your parking lot. They act as a physical barrier to prevent illegal access to your business's property.  You can choose between an automatic and manual one. While manual barriers are less expensive, automatic barriers are easier to use and can be controlled by a variety of access control systems, including keypads and smartphone apps, as well as fingerprint recognition systems and ANPR cameras.

Single Parking Post Safeguarding Barrier 

If you are an owner of a small company with just a few parking spaces, the best access control for you is a single parking post safeguarding barrier. The parking barriers are made of long-lasting, high-quality materials that provide dependable protection.  This way each parking spot is protected by its own barrier, and each worker gets his own access credentials for the barrier. This makes them feel special and appreciated while also giving you the opportunity to provide an additional service. 

Also read: Top 9 Automatic Parking Barriers (2022) - Review Guide.

Parking Chain 

A parking chain is a great option because it provides a simple yet highly effective method of securing your corporate parking. The chain post must be installed at the parking lot's entrance on a stable and solid surface. The automated chain barrier,  controlled via smartphone, is a  prime example of a reliable and easy-to-use chain. It is available in nine different sizes, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your parking lot. It has the potential to cover entrances up to 20 meters wide, but its major value is its automatic folding ability. Furthermore, it can withstand intensive use and high traffic volumes. Once the car is out of range, the chain can be set to close automatically.

Parklio chain as a parking access control

Parking Gate

If you need to protect several parking spots and are searching for a cost-effective, high-quality access control system, a parking gate barrier could be the answer. It is versatile and can satisfy a wide range of requirements whether it is ticket activated, pressure activated or app activated. In addition to limiting who enters and leaves your workplace or warehouse, automatic gate barriers prevent cars from being parked in restricted areas.The sturdiness and smooth operation allow for the effective security of medium to large parking lots against unauthorized access. There is no need for a security guard or any other access control devices or systems once it is deployed.

Parking Bollards

Parking bollards are ground-mounted columns of varying thickness and impact resistance. Bollards come in a variety of designs and serve a variety of purposes, however, the three most common types are:

  • Removable parking bollards are a portable parking lot security solution that is easily removable whenever you require additional space on your property. 
  • Permanent bollards are strong and effective bollards cast or fixed into the ground when vehicular access must be denied permanently. 
  • Retractable parking bollards are an economical and straightforward method for limiting access only when required. 

Retractable parking-bollards are utilized to limit parking as they can be lowered and raised using a control system to allow or restrict car access. They're also a great method to add some flair to your parking lot because of their dynamic style and design. They may be formed into any desired shape and mixed in well with their surroundings.  

Even though a high-quality electro-mechanical bollard is an excellent choice for entrances that require a high level of protection, parking bollards are less commonly used for access control to a company parking lot than the previously mentioned barriers due to their more complex installation process. However, they can be quite effective for protecting your business driveway or ensuring pedestrian safety in your parking lot. 


RFID is the wireless, non-contact use of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields to transfer information that is nowadays being increasingly used in the parking industry. The system also known as the Fob System, or the Access Card System is utilized in a variety of sectors including inventory management, credit card technology, asset monitoring, transportation, manufacturing, and retail.

In terms of providing access control for your parking lot, it works like this: you place an RFID reader at the entrance and exit points of your company's car park, and any user with a credential or tag will be permitted access. RFID is resistant to weather conditions since it features a check code that verifies the quality of the data received from a sensor. It can distinguish between an "accurate read" and a "non-accurate read”. If it's a faulty read, RFID either keeps reading until obtaining an accurate read (moving the vehicle closer to the sensor might assist speed up the process) or transmits an error message for the invalid credentials and forbids admission to your parking lot. The system provides a broad variety of distances and access rates (up to 30 feet and up to 100 mph for ultra-high frequency RFID readers). This enables rapid and reasonably accurate access without the need for human intervention.

There are various types of tags, ranging from a sticker attached to the vehicle's windshield to portable hang tags, cards, or fobs that allow the individual greater flexibility when driving another vehicle for the day. While the transferability of these tags increases their convenience, it also raises security concerns if they get lost or end up in the wrong hands. Users may also abuse the system by sharing their RFID tags with friends and family. 

On top of the security issues, the high price of the RFID parking system is a major drawback. The security barriers, RFID readers, self-check stations, sorting equipment, inventory wands, and configuration with the parking software require a significant financial investment, so it is essential to carefully consider whether or not it is the best solution for your company prior to making the financial commitment.


ANPR is a parking access control system that allows free vehicle flow. Free-flow refers to the system's ability to automatically identify the vehicle when entering or leaving a facility. That eliminates the need to stop or open a window to present identification. But how does ANPR accomplish this? The ANPR technology, which stands for Automated Number Plate Recognition, gathers vehicle images and recognizes license plate numbers on moving vehicles, allowing for automated entrance and exit from any physical parking protection mechanism. 

The system makes use of something that every vehicle already has: license plates. As a result, your company's additional equipment or software costs will be greatly reduced. You only need to know each car’s license plate, which can easily become a standard piece of information collected during employee onboarding. Clearly, license plates cannot be legally transferred; therefore, LPR access systems maximize security by ensuring that only authorized vehicles are present in your parking lot.

ANPR  is an automated system that reads license plates in any situation and weather condition by utilizing a broad infrared range and a high waterproof certification number plate recognition camera. It is designed to identify any type of vehicle and is compliant with the GDPR and other relevant privacy policies.  ANPR parking solutions provide hassle-free parking and are more efficient and cost-effective than any other obsolete technology, such as RFID access cards, paper tickets, or similar. This is the most advanced car park automation available on the market in terms of technology.

Final Implementation and Planning Considerations  

While many companies still use obsolete parking systems, the popularity of enhanced parking access control systems is rapidly increasing. It's much easier to monitor, manage, and track your parking space, as well as ensure it's used as efficiently as possible, with the right parking access control system. The Parking Access Control System provides a better experience for your employees, business partners, and customers, while also allowing the company to make better use of its parking space.

Choosing the right parking access system
Source:Image by wavebreakmedia_micro on Freepik

Choose Wisely and Think Long Term

We've taken the time to present you with a number of parking access control options that are easy to integrate and capable of becoming a seamless part of a smart parking setup. This enables data from applications to flow freely, forming a comprehensive picture of parking lot utilization efficiency. In the end, it all comes down to working smarter and more efficiently, which are two goals that every business should strive for. When comparing these products, there are numerous factors to consider, and one product may be better suited to your needs than another. It is critical to choose wisely and think long-term when designing your system. If you still need help deciding which parking management system is best for your company, let's get together and talk about your options.

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