Restaurant and Bar Parking Management Solutions and Systems

Restaurant & Bar Parking Management Solutions And Systems

Parking is considered to be a serious issue in metropolitan areas, especially for businesses such as restaurants and bars. As a result, they often need to deal with fairly restricted parking they have available. Bars and restaurants may have a private parking lot or a parking garage, but without proper parking protection, non-guests can easily take advantage of it and park there. Also, if they are located in the downtown area, they might have a very restricted number of parking spots on the street. Guests, such as families and business people, usually arrive by car, and having enough parking space may influence their decision to visit. Parking facilities must be adequately managed and maintained since a lack of parking would have a negative impact on business.
That’s where Parklio™ steps in. With Parklio™ smart parking protection and solutions, it is easy to solve your parking issues, manage parking lots and have happy customers!

The Best Parking System Benefits for Restaurant & Bar

  • Prevent unauthorized parking
  • Provide parking for your guests and employees
  • Optimize parking lots
  • Improve parking management with real-time information
  • Generate revenue

7 Restaurant & Bar Parking Problems and Solutions

Parking Abuse From Non-Guests

Parking Abuse From Non-Guests

Inadequate parking protection frequently causes parking issues in restaurants and bars. Due to a lack of parking protection, parking violations happen daily. One of the most common problems is unauthorized parking caused by non-guests. Despite the fact private parking is properly marked with a “reserved” sign, non-customers will still park there. Without physical barriers or gates to keep fairly restricted parking spots protected, it is difficult to stop unauthorized parking. Parking protection is required to keep private parking spaces secured and reserved for guests only. Besides preventing parking abuse from non-guests, it is possible to monetize parking lots and charge non-guests who use private parking spaces.


Parklio™ parking protection efficiently prevents parking violations in bars and restaurants. Parking protection products depend on the size and capacity of parking lots. Guests will be able to park their vehicle and they will receive a QR code to scan upon leaving. Non-guests will also be able to pay for parking using the Parklio™ Terminal.


Customer dissatisfaction

Customer dissatisfaction

Customers frequently check two things before picking a spot to enjoy a drink or dinner: the menu and parking availability. Offering a reserved and safe place to park a vehicle is an important part of quality service. With fairly restricted parking capabilities, optimizing parking lots can be challenging. Keeping track of occupancy in real-time with a smart parking system would greatly alleviate car parking problems and improve traffic flow. It is possible to integrate a parking system with the existing dinner reservation system so guests are able to make a parking reservation automatically.


Parklio™ products and solutions simplify parking management. Creating more efficient parking facilities becomes easy with reliable parking products and smart systems offering real-time data. Parklio™ API offers integration with a reservation system so guests are able to make a reservation for a parking spot when making a dinner reservation.

Occupancy optimization

Occupancy optimization

When you have a restricted number of parking spots, it is essential to have well-managed parking facilities so customers don’t face parking problems. With real-time information, it is easy to keep track of available and occupied spots as well as occupancy time. Flexibility is a significant feature of a smart parking system since it allows you to limit the amount of time you spend in the parking lot and avoid overstaying. It will help you in responding to the high demand for parking spaces.


Parklio™ Parking Management System enables control of products and real-time parking management. It helps in optimizing occupancy and allows you to restrict the time a customer can stay. With cameras and a license plate recognition system, it is easy to monitor and regulate the hours.

Food pick up locations

Food pick up locations

The pickup feature in restaurants allows customers to place an order, pay for it and pick it up themselves. Pickup orders are getting more popular than delivery, boosting sales for restaurants while reducing costs. Customers arriving to pick up orders frequently park at the door, obstructing other customers and blocking the entrance. A dedicated parking place where individuals might stop for a few moments would solve the problem and ensure optimal traffic flow.


When restaurants and bars have pick-up services, it is important to have a designated parking space for customers to avoid clogging at the entrance. When placing an order, customers will get a digital key for Smart Parking Barrier so they can easily park and pick up the order.

Designated area for delivery vehicles

Designated area for delivery vehicles

Parking issues arise also when delivery vehicles park at the entrance. Unloading goods at the entrance causes overcrowding, excessive waiting time and long lines. When there is no designated parking area for delivery vehicles, parking problems happen on a regular basis. A designated and secure delivery parking area would alleviate the struggle and significantly reduce traffic congestion caused by delivery vehicles.


Delivery vehicles won’t create parking issues with Parklio™ barriers. Share digital keys to drivers so they are able to lower the barrier and park in dedicated parking spaces.

Allocated parking for employees

Allocated parking for employees

When thinking about customer satisfaction, it is easy to overlook the needs of your employees. Employees serve customers and deal with a lot of people on a daily basis, therefore it's critical that management also considers their satisfaction. The quality of service at restaurants and bars is just as important as the quality of the food. No one wants to have employees serving guests frustrated due to lack of parking space. Dedicated parking spots will alleviate the struggle and stress while arriving for a work shift.


Ensure available spots to your employees with Parklio™ Smart parking protection. Staff will easily control parking products with digital keys on their phones and park in protected parking spaces.

Customization & better branding

Customization & better branding

Personalization is another great feature that smart parking protection provides. It is possible to order parking protection that is customized according to your needs. Each product, including the barrier, may be customized with your company's colors and logo. Personalized parking protection is also an excellent method to advertise and promote your company. It contributes to increasing brand recognition and awareness.


Parklio™ smart parking barriers protect the parking space from unauthorized usage but also add to your company’s recognition. It can be used as a form of branding since it is possible to customize barriers with the color and logo of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions About Restaurant & Bar Parking Issues

Smart parking technology has made parking management easier and more efficient than ever before. Bars and restaurants will always have real-time occupancy data thanks to automatic parking protection and an advanced parking management system. You can say goodbye to parking issues happening daily with Parklio™ Smart Parking Protection and Solutions.

When running a business in restaurants and bars, you are aware that one of the most important rules to success is location and parking. It is impossible to change the location without investing money into a completely new business, but parking is something you can actually change. Parking Management System allows you to have real-time information and to make information-based decisions. It allows implementing new parking policies, such as a 2-hour parking limit. Along with other Parklio™ parking solutions, you will have full control of your parking with a few clicks on your computer or smartphone from anywhere.

Choosing the right parking protection is determined by a variety of factors, including location and parking capacity. If a restaurant or a bar is located in a city center with only a few available parking spots, Parklio™ Smart parking barriers would be the best solution. If restaurants and bars have large parking lots or garages, Parklio™ automatic gate or chain barrier would be the best fit. Besides parking protection, consider integrating Parklio™ Smart Parking Solutions to optimize parking lots to the maximum extent possible.

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