Gym and Fitness Studio Parking Management Solutions and Systems

Gym and Fitness Studio Parking Management Solutions and Systems

When going to a gym, parking can get problematic and time-consuming. Gym and fitness studio owners face different parking issues such as unauthorized parking, inadequate number of spots, clients unable to find a parking space and more. The problem is further compounded by the inability of fitness gyms and studio owners to control parking lots and monitor violations. Due to its clients coming and going around the clock, it's difficult to provide enough parking spots with limited public parking spaces on site. Managing your parking lot is critical if you want to stay competitive and have satisfied customers. Having an automated parking solution has become a crucial part of running a successful business.
Parklio™ is here to design a perfect parking solution that will optimize your parking lots and make your clients happy!

The Best Parking System Benefits For Gym and Fitness Studio

  • Positive parking experience for clients
  • Optimize parking lots
  • Increased supervision and control of parking occupancy with advanced solutions
  • Real-time information
  • Generate more revenue

5 Gym and Fitness Studio Parking Problems and Solutions

RFID integration

RFID integration

Gyms and fitness studios commonly use RFID technology for simple and easy access to their facilities. With a card, gyms can verify clients' identities but also measure how frequently they use the facilities and for how long. Some gyms prefer to upgrade their card programs by integrating them with access control systems. It is possible to access all services with a single card, such as changing rooms, lounge areas, lockers, or sauna. Using smart parking protection, it is possible to open parking products using the same card. Having a single card improves the user experience. The same can be done if the gym uses RFID wristbands.


Gym and fitness studios clients will be able to access all services and parking lots using a single card. Staff will be able to program cards for a certain time period.

Membership integration

Membership integration

Providing extra value to clients means offering exceptional parking facilities. To provide upscale parking services, parking lots must be well equipped and well-maintained. Parking integration with memberships would allow having a completely flexible parking policy depending on different membership categories. With a smart parking system, it is possible to establish various parking policies. A regular membership would allow you to use parking places for the duration of that gym membership. VIP clients, on the other hand, would have access to parking at any time.


With Parklio™ smart parking products and solutions it is possible to establish different parking policies regarding different membership types. That way, your VIP clients would have open access to parking lots and others would be able to use the parking for a specific time interval depending on their membership type.

Unauthorized access

Unauthorized access

Unauthorized vehicles can easily take advantage of private parking lots and park at unsecured and non-monitored parking lots. Unauthorized parking happens regularly in residential, business, or popular tourist areas. Since gyms and fitness centers usually have fairly restricted and crowded parking spots, it is necessary to have a parking system that helps control access. Even if your parking spots are properly marked with a "reserved" sign, it won’t stop people without permission to park there. It is important to install physical parking products, such as barriers or gates, to protect parking spots.


Parklio™ parking protection efficiently prevents parking violations in private parking lots. Choosing the right parking product to install depends on the size and capacity of parking lots.

Lack of parking management

Lack of parking management

Offering a reserved and safe place to park vehicles is an important part of standard service. Lack of parking management can develop serious issues, such as traffic clogging entrances and exits. Clients get late to their gym sessions with personal trainers, owners get complaints due to car damages on packed parking lots, etc. To avoid overcrowding, it is vital to have real-time information showing the parking occupancy. Having a parking management system helps to organize parking lots, especially when parking spaces are fairly limited. A well-run parking system with parking barriers and gates can improve traffic flow and safety in general.


Parking management is extremely important for optimizing traffic flow. Installing parking devices such as the Parklio™ Smart Parking Barrier or Gate is vital for improving your parking management. With Parklio™ PMS, you will have real-time occupancy data available.

Designated parking spots for employees

Gyms and fitness studios are frequently located in crowded areas with limited parking. When going to work, employees frequently face stressful scenarios, such as dealing with paid parking and the inability to find a free parking spot. Coming to work and looking for a free parking place in a hurry for a work shift might be frustrating. With designated employee parking spots, your staff will forget about circling the block and being late for a session.


Employees will use Parklio™ Connect App and digital keys on their smartphones to control parking protection. Only those with digital keys will be able to park in protected parking spots. Having reserved spots will reduce stress employees face when searching for available spots.

Customized Gym and Fitness Studio Parking Solution with Added Value

Better Branding

Better Branding

Parklio™ Smart Parking Protection, including Parklio flagship product Smart Parking Barrier, can be personalized to meet customers’ wishes. Smart Parking Barriers come in different colors so you can choose the color that represents your brand or add your company’s logo. Customization of parking protection is a feature that helps your company to be more visible and notable.

Extra services

Extra services

Gyms and fitness studios often offer extra services such as steam rooms and spa, lounge areas, or hair salons. Most often, they all share the same parking spots, which can lead to potential traffic congestion and difficult parking situations. With Parklio™ Smart Parking Protection it is possible to control access and manage parking lots. Even if it is not possible to provide additional parking spaces, Parklio™ will help you organize and optimize existing parking lots.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gym and Fitness Studio Parking Issues

The decision on which parking protection solution to install is shaped by a number of factors, including location and parking capacity. If the fitness studio is located in the city center with only a few parking spots available, smart parking barriers are the right solution. Only clients with keys on their phones will be able to use protected parking spaces. In case they have large parking lots with a significant number of parking spots, the best solution would be to install a gate or chain on your entrance.

Besides smart parking protection that is smartphone-controlled, there are many smart parking solutions Parklio™ offers. For example, Parklio™ PMS provides relevant parking information on occupancy and other statistics in real-time. Also, Parklio™ ANPR allows your clients to enter the parking lot based on license plate number. That way no human contact or intervention is needed.

Gyms and fitness centers are often in situations when they can’t provide enough parking spots to all employees. Not all employees work in the same shifts so sharing parking spots could be the solution. Also, it might be a good idea to encourage using public transportation or car sharing with other employees.

Parklio™ can be easily integrated into any existing system for access control and work together to enable a user-friendly parking experience. Gym and fitness studio visitors will be able to use all the smart features Parklio offers like control via smartphone, key sharing options, real-time information, etc.

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