Clinic Parking Management Solutions and Systems

Clinic Parking Management Solutions and Systems

Even though it doesn’t seem related to health care, managing parking facilities within clinic grounds means ensuring patients and visitors safety and quick access to the facility. Parking in clinics has continuously been described as a huge issue. Patients, visitors and staff members experience issues when arriving at the clinic as they seek available parking spots. If doctors or patients are forced to spend extra time searching for a place to park, it could end up with serious consequences. Parking facilities at clinics should be well-designed and planned thoughtfully as they are the first interaction point between the visitors and the facility. All the facilities in clinics, starting from parking lots, should be highly equipped to ensure everything runs smoothly. Smart parking technologies will improve the safety and security of everyone using parking lots.

The Best Parking System Benefits For Clinic

  • Providing parking spots for patients, visitors and staff
  • Preventing unauthorized parking
  • Improving traffic flow by automated parking protection
  • Offering real-time data

7 Clinic Parking Problems and Solutions

Ensuring parking access for clients of the clinic

Ensuring parking access for clients of the clinic

Preventing significant parking troubles might be quite challenging at times. Due to a restricted number of parking spaces, unauthorized parking, and other issues, it is necessary to provide reliable parking protection. With smart parking products, your clients will always have reserved parking space. You will able to send digital keys to your customers via app so they could control parking protection using their smartphones. Furthermore, it is possible to create a database of license plate numbers to enable automatic access for authorized users.


Offering a safe and secured place to park requires having reliable parking protection. With Parklio™ Smart Parking Protection, your clients will always have a reserved place to park. With a digital key on their mobile devices, clients will be able to control Parklio products. Also, Parklio™ ANPR system detects vehicle licenses and ensures automatic entry.

Unauthorized access

Clinics are often found near the city center or in residential neighborhoods with limited parking space. When parking lots are not protected or monitored, unauthorized vehicles have easy access to private parking lots. During peak working hours, the problem of unauthorized parking escalates, forcing patients to walk long distances to the clinic. Without gates to safeguard parking entrances and exits, or parking barriers to secure individual spots, managing access to parking lots is impossible. Smart parking protection will ensure that your patients don't have to worry about finding a parking spot when they come to scheduled appointments.


Without proper parking protection, persons without authorization will easily take advantage of available parking places and use them without permission. In order to control parking lots and secure parking spots for your patients, it is necessary to install parking products.

Unauthorized parking in parking spots dedicated to people with disabilities

Unauthorized parking in parking spots dedicated to people with disabilities

Leaving vehicles in parking spots dedicated to people with disabilities without a parking permission is illegal. It indicates that no stops, even for a few minutes, are permitted. Parking places for disabled should always be secured from unauthorized parking. Installing parking protection is the key step in preventing it. Clients would receive a digital key to control parking products when they schedule an appointment. Another option is to use license plate number recognition to open the parking protection automatically. The clinic would maintain a database of license plate numbers for vehicles with parking permission.


Parklio™ Smart Parking Protection is the best solution to control the access to parking lots. To solve the problem with illegal parking, Parklio™ offers a set of smart solutions. That way, your clinic will be able to provide all clients with reliable parking spots.

Traffic flow optimization

Traffic flow optimization

Polyclinics usually have a limited number of parking spots. It is not uncommon for there to be more automobiles searching for a parking spot than accessible spots. When a parking lot is filled and vehicles continue to arrive, the parking lot will get increasingly congested, causing chaos. It is critical to have real-time parking occupancy information to avoid tense circumstances. A display showing real-time data about available parking spots helps patients navigate around more easily. A smart parking system would completely optimize the traffic flow.


Parklio™ Detect is a software solution using AI detecting cameras to keep track of parking occupancy in real time. These real-time updates will be displayed to patients and visitors at the parking lot entry with Parklio™ Display. There will be no traffic congestion since traffic will be spread equitably.


Parking revenue

Parking revenue

When healthcare facilities offer various health services and include multiple clinics, such as dental clinics, gynecological clinics, aesthetic clinics etc. they probably offer large parking facilities as well. When parking lots are not properly monitored or protected, unauthorized vehicles can freely park there diminishing parking profit. Having a smart parking system would allow implementation of different parking policies, resulting with higher revenue for facility owners and higher level of service for the visitors. Parking managers would have full flexibility in defining monetization policies like 2 hours free stay for the visitors of the clinic and similar.


For clinics that want to monetize their parking lots, Parklio™ offers the perfect solution - Parklio™ Terminal. Together with the Parking Management System, it will bring revenue and reliable control and parking management.


Dedicated spots for employees

Dedicated spots for employees

Due to a lack of parking places and parking protection, clinic staff frequently struggle to find available parking spaces. When employees arrive at an already full parking lot, they will most certainly spend more time circling the lot than they expected. Employees may be late for work due to overcrowding in parking lots. Employees will experience additional stress prior to their working shifts, which are already difficult. Installing parking protection to provide a dedicated parking area for employees will help avoid daily parking issues and tension.


Installing Parklio™ Smart parking protection ensures that your employees have available parking spaces when they arrive. Parking products are smartphone-controlled and only employees will have digital keys to control parking products.

Dedicated spots for delivery vehicles

Dedicated spots for delivery vehicles

When unloading products, delivery vehicles face parking challenges. Long waiting times, as well as long lines and parking in forbidden areas, are just a few examples of the issue. They are required to park close to the entrance in order to unload items as quickly as possible, which may result in overcrowding and blocking the entry. Significant issues, such as obstructing the driveway or entrance in the case of emergency, could occur without a designated space for delivery vehicles. To avoid delivery-related parking hassles, it is necessary to provide space only they will be able to use. A designated and secure delivery parking spot will ease the struggle and significantly reduce traffic problems caused by the delivery trucks.


Parklio™ Smart Parking Barrier will secure parking spots for delivery vehicles. With a digital key on their phones, drivers will be able to control parking products and park in protected spaces.

Customized Clinic Parking Solution with Added Value

Parking protection customization

Parklio™ Smart Parking Protection, which includes Parklio's flagship product Smart Parking Barrier, can be customized to fit the needs of individual customers. Smart Parking Barriers are available in a variety of colors, allowing you to select the color that best presents your business and to include the clinic logo. Customization is a function that enhances your company's visibility and prominence. Also, with parking barriers, it is possible to have designated and properly marked spots for board members, doctors, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions About Clinic Parking Issues

If you want to offer the finest parking service to your patients, smart parking products are the right choice for your parking lots. All Parklio products are smartphone controlled and user-friendly. In addition to smart parking protection, Parklio provides a variety of parking solutions to help you improve your parking lots. Parklio™ PMS provides you with real-time parking data as well as various parking statistics. Parklio™ Detect and Display solve parking navigation and congestion difficulties. Parklio™ ANPR, a software that uses optical character recognition to read license plate numbers, can also be installed if you want parking lots that don't require any human interaction. Your clients and employees would have automatic access to parking lots based on their license plates.

There are recommendations you can follow to improve the efficiency of clinic parking facilities regarding the number of parking spaces. For in-staying patients, there should be one parking spot for every five beds. For their visitors, the number of parking spaces goes up to one space per bed, but it also depends strongly on hospital visiting policies. When it comes to the number of parking spaces for employees, it would be up to one bed per employee working a day shift.

A significant number of patients arrive by car because their ability to use public transportation or walk has been hampered by illness. That’s the reason employees often struggle to find available parking spots, especially when parking lots have a restricted number of parking places. If that’s the case, employees should be encouraged to use public transportation options. Also, the clinic could organize shuttle transportation for employees.

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